Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pizza cutting scissors profane in the eyes of the Pizza God?

If the title isn't enough to draw you in, check out the comments below. Who knew so many people would be offended by this smite to the pizza god? What would he/she look like? Pizza the Hut anyone?

Wrought with sarcasm and mock despair, this collection of comments truly represents all the beauty of the internet and it's outlet for sarcasm.

From the practical:

“Forget pizza cutting. It's all about tearing the top off the pizza box after a late night delivery so that you and a friend can both have "plates". If sky mall sold specialty scissors for that, the world would implode.”

To the bordering on insane:

“This thing is so, so wrong. Besides the fact that cutting pizza with scissors makes the baby Jesus cry and probably the Flying Spaghetti Monster too, it's just not very practical.”

These comments are truly classic, even the stereotypical stupid commentators makes an appearance:

“They sell round pizzas now?”

“People still eat pizza? That's so cute.”

Then, in true form, there's that one guy that ruins it by being serious:

“Look, I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I've cut pizza with scissors quite a few times and it works really well.”


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